Snippet: novel about the journalist Sofía Casanova

Inés Martín Rodrigo, Azules son las horas [Blue are the hours], 2016, 300 p.

The publisher offers a summary in English on their foreign rights pages.

The review by Carles Barba informs that a century ago Sofía Casanova was a reporter for ABC newspaper, and during 21 years she sent around 800 articles from Eastern Europe for publication in Spain. One of her main topics was the suffering of the civilians in times of war. She even managed to interview Trotsky. “Conservative, catholic, monarchic, in 1937 she let herself manipulate by the Nationals [rebels] and interviewed Franco in Burgos.” Which explains in part why she has become forgotten. She later observed the Nazi invasion of Poland and reported on the German barbarity to Germanophile Spanish newspapers. Barba recommends this book.

The author, Inés Martín Rodrigo (Madrid, 1983) is a journalist, head of the Books section of ABC newspaper.

SOURCE: Planeta (publisher); review in “Cultura/s,” La Vanguardia, March 19, 2016, p. 10 [printed edition]