Joana Raspall, Poet and Librarian, Dies at 100

The news came from the Sant Feliu de Llobregat city council. Joana Raspall (July 1, 1913 to December 4, 2013) had been a poet and librarian, and her homeplace (since 1916) had celebrated a “Raspall year” in her honor (website in Catalan).

The Catalan Writers’ Association offers this short biography (in English). A lot of her poetry was addressed to children and adolescents, and some of the titles cited in the press are

Petits poemes per a nois i noies  [Small poems for boys and girls]

Llum i gira-sols [Light and sunflowers],

Bon dia, poesia [Good morning poetry],

Degotall de poemes [Non stop poems],

Versos amics [Friend(ly) verses],

Pinzellades en vers [Brushstrokes in verses], 

Com el plomissol [Like down (feathers)],

Serpentines de versos [Verse serpentines],

Escaleta al vent [Ladder to the wind],

Font de versos  [Spring of verses],

A compàs dels versos [To the beat of the verses].


Raspall also wrote child and juvenile fiction:

El mal vent [The bad wind],

Contes del si és no és [Stories of the if it is it isn’t],

Contes increïbles [Incredible stories],

La trampa de la Urbanització K [The trap of the K development];


as well as for adults:

Diamants i culs de got [Diamonds and glass bottoms],

El cau de les heures [The ivy cache],

El calaix del mig i vell rellotge [The middle drawer and old watch].


As a philologist Raspall wrote, together with Jaume Riera, Diccionari de sinònims [Dictionary of synonyms], and with Joan Martí, Diccionari de locucions i frases fetes [Dictionary of idioms] and Diccionari d’homònims i parònims [Dictionary of homonyms and paronyms].


Source: La Vanguardia

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